Harlem celebrates launch of ‘Culturally Responsive and Affirming Social-Emotional Leadership’ expansion project
The Harlem Community School District and Abyssinian Development Corporation held an event this Sunday celebrating the launch of the “Culturally Responsive and Affirming Social-Emotional Leadership” Project—CRASEL. The celebration follows a $1 million federal grant from New York senators to increase resources for social and emotional development for students in Community School District 5, which consists of Morningside Heights and parts of Central Harlem
Harlem Community School District CRASEL Expansion Launch
A federal government grant, sponsored by Senators Schumer and Gillibrand and Representative Espaillat in the amount of $1 million will support the CRASEL Expansion Project for 2 years, targeting students and adults at all 23 schools in Community School District 5. In addition, West Harlem Development Corporation provided initial funding for the pilot program and continues to support the expansion.
The CRASEL Expansion Project provides capacity-building SEL/Professional Development training to both adults (school and community-based) and students.
​Retrieved from https://neighbors.columbia.edu/events/harlem-community-school-district-crasel-expansion-launch
Alliance for Quality Education
Family Resources for Remote Learning
The Family Resource section provides information for parents who are working with their children in remote learning. These resources are broken down by age groups in the following categories:
Academic Resources ( Early Childhood – High School)
Online courses for high school students
Educational worksheets
Educational Games and Videos
At-home activities
Activities for special needs students
​Retrieved from https://childmind.org/guide/familyresources-for-remote-learning/
The Alliance for Quality Education is a coalition mobilizing communities across the state to keep New York true to its promise of ensuring a high-quality public education to all students regardless of zip code.
AQE is working to end the systemic racism and economic oppression in New York’s public schools that continue to shortchange generations of Black, Brown, low-income, and immigrant students.
Combining its legislative and policy expertise with grassroots organizing, AQE advances proven-to-work strategies that lead to student success and ultimately create a powerful public demand for high-quality education.
Retrieved from www.aqeny.org

Technology Support for Parents
TechRow is a member of HREPs Collective and is offering the following technical support for parents who are having issues with devices, Internet access, and remote learning:
Live tech support – TechRow has a website where parents can register for live tech support or submit a question to their help desk. Parents will receive responses will be received within 24 hours. This service is free.
Video Library - TechRow has compiled a library of “How-To” videos that will answer “frequently asked questions.” The video library will also have videos related to content areas – science, math, English, writing, etc. This service is free until June 30, 2021. After that date, parents can subscribe to the video library for a fee of $4.99 per month
Retrieved from www.techrow.org
NYC Coalition for Educational Justice
The NYC Coalition for Educational Justice (CEJ) is organizing a parent-led movement for educational equity and excellence in the city’s public schools. We are a citywide collaborative of community-based organizations and unions whose members are parents, community residents, and teachers. Together, we are fighting to ensure that every child in NYC receives a quality and well-rounded education.
Retrieved from https://www.nyccej.org/